Determination of Bi, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, V in natural, potable, and waste water

Determination of Bi, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, V in natural, potable, and waste water

The test method specifies determination of mass content of metal ions in dissolved, not solved and total forms in the sample material of natural, potable, waste water with total mineralization less that 100 g/l by XRF analysis after concentration on cellulose filters.
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The test method includes concentrating of metals containing in water on cellulose filters and further determination of metal mass on the filters by XRF analysis. 
If the analysis cannot be fulfilled within the same day, the sample shall be acidified to pH 1-2 by concentrated nitric acid, a portion of the sample is filtered for determination of diluted forms of metals.
Mass content of dissolved forms of metals are determined after sample filtration; mass content of the forms sum after the sample acidification (dissociation). Mass content of insoluble forms is calculated as a difference between form sum and dissolved form.
No special water treatment for exclusion of chemical interference due to the variation of sample composition (matrix effects) is required. Unified composition concentrate is a result of metal sorption on filters.
Filter is fixed in a special filter holder, and the sample water is pumped through it with peristaltic pump.
The filter is dried after sorption procedure, fixed in the special sample cap and analyzed with a spectrometer.
Analysis is carried out automatically according to the chosen program.
The test method specifies determination of one or several elements in dissolved form, or the sum of all forms dependent on the analysis purpose. To increase the accuracy of the analysis, an addition of the internal standard, a solution of bismuth in oil, can be used.
Element  (metal)
Mass concentration range, mg/dm3
Bismuth, Lead, Zink, Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Vanadiumfrom 0.010 up to  5.0
Peristaltic pump.

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