"SPECTROSCAN МАКС-GF1(2)E-C" is a modification of  "SPECTROSCAN МАКС-GF1(2)E" spectrometer with one or two additional EDX channel and with a special sample changer suitable for various expertise.
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X-ray fluorescent "SPECTROSCAN МАКС-GF1(2)E-C" spectrometer combines two types of analytical signal determination – crystal diffraction (WDXRF) and energy dispersion (EDXRF) one.

"SPECTROSCAN MAKC- GF1(2)E-C" spectrometer determines elements from Ca to U in solid, liquid or powder state, in solutions and thin films, deposited on filters. The fixed channels provide determination of one or two elements from the range from Mg to K. Special sample changer for large samples along with collimation of primary radiation provide analysis of 1 cm2 spot with 1mm step, therefore examination of element distribution over an aria is possible.

Nondestructive analysis method and large sample analysis are very important for forensic and customs expertise, examination of pieces of art.

The spectrometer operation is based on irradiation of the sample with primary X-rays generated by X-ray tube, registration of the secondary fluorescence from the sample elements preliminary diffracted on a crystal, and calculation of the elements concentration with the help of calibration equation, which is a relation between the element concentration and intensity of the registered secondary emission from the element. The spectrometer has high resolution of spectral lines and therefore provides accurate determination of elements in complicated multicomponent substances.
The Spectrometer is controlled with external computer.


Determined elements (WDX)

from Ca to U


1 or 2 elements from the range from Mg to K

Energy resolution

45 eV at Fe Kα line



X-ray tube anode voltage

Up to 40 kV

X-ray tube capacity

less 4 W

X-ray tube anode


Spectral resolution

Crystal diffraction

EDX channels with filters

Crystal analyzer


Sample changer

240*160*40 mm

Power supply

220 V, 50 Hz

Consumed capacity from 220 V mains

100 W

PC interface


No additional gas required


"SPECTROSCAN МАКС-GF1(2)E-С" spectrometer is widely used for various types of expertise:
•    Jewelry examination;
•    Paint and lacquer examination;
•    Materials identification;
•    Investigation of pieces of art.


Телефон: +7 (812) 324-15-92
WhatsApp / Telegram / Viber: +7 (901) 304-44-44
E-mail: service@spectronxray.ru

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