Corrosive sediments analysis

The major problems connected with corrosion sediments are at the plants of refinery industry and Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The problems may be as following:

Sediments while long term operation of NPP lead to increase of degradation processes in the second circuit equipment, corrosive cracking, slam corrosion.

Pyrophoric corrosive sediments are deposited on the surface of the petroleum tanks. Activity of the pyrophoric compounds (their ignition capability) is determined by their composition.

Determination of the corrosive sediments composition is an important stage of development of methods for its prevention and technology for its removal.

Solid corrosive products provide information about the processes on the corrodent surface while its interaction with aggressive media.
X-ray fluorescence method provides determination of elements from Na to U in corrosion samples with minimum sample preparation.

The sampling is fulfilled by scraping the sediments from blades, parts of pipes of boilers and other units in accordance with local norms.

The sample material shall be dried in drying chamber at 105°С temperature to constant mass, then the sample batch mixed with boron acid is grinded with a disk grinder or agate mortar.

Analysis includes two measurements of two samples of the same sample material. The sample is pressed into a cup of boron acid.  Boron acid cup is pressed out with a shaped punch being at least 3 mm deep. Sample material is put into the cup and pressed with a flat punch into a pellet.
The pellet put into the sample holder and then into spectrometer. Analysis is carried out automatically according to the chosen program. The program can determine all elements (oxides) listed in the test method or some of those elements by choice.

Mass content determination of all metal and metal oxides is done from one sample.


"SPECTROSCAN MAKC-GVM" WDXRF spectrometer determines elements from Na (Sodium) to U (Uranium) in solids, liquids or powders, in solutions and thin films, deposits on filters. 

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Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescent WDXRF scanning spectrometer for determination of chemical elements in the range from Ca (Calcium) to U (Uranium) in various compounds.

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