Vegetable materials analysis

From the ecological point of view, the most toxic and dangerous elements are of special interest. Among them are Pb (Lead), Hg (Mercury), Cd (Cadmium), Zn (Zink), Co (Cobalt), Ni (Nickel), Bi (Bismuth), Cu (Copper), Sn (Tin,) Sb (Antimony), V (Vanadium), Mn (Manganese), Cr (Chromium), Mo (Molybdenum), and As (Arsenic).

Besides that elements of great importance for inter cell metabolism are of great interest, among them are Na, Mg, Si, Р, S, К, Са, Мn, Fe, etc.

X-ray fluorescent method  provides determination of elements from Mg to U  in dry vegetable sample material and vegetable ash after concentrating it.

Dependent on the method sensitivity and average element content in vegetable material the following elements can be directly determined Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Cl, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Zn, Sr, Rb, Ba. The element content can vary from 0,001% up to several %.

If to take into account that oxygen and carbon content in vegetable material is 90-95%, burning helps to increase elements concentration by 10-20 times. Therefore some other elements beside mentioned above can be determined, such as Br, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zr. This elements present in vegetable material in concentrations of the first 0.0001 of %.

Cd, Hg, As, Se, Sb, Mo, W, Sn are determined after ash transformation into solution and sedimentation on filter as in water analysis method.

After sampling the material shall be dried in an air bath, and grinded to the particle size about 50 micron, then pressed in pellets.

Ash solution is analyzed according to water analysis test method.


"SPECTROSCAN MAKC-GVM" WDXRF spectrometer determines elements from Na (Sodium) to U (Uranium) in solids, liquids or powders, in solutions and thin films, deposits on filters. 

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